I've met a realm of women since becoming a single dad. Liberal to conservative, broke students to women that made more money than I will probably ever make, women with children, women without. Usually I meet them in the normal places single people meet, library, gym, grocery store, etc. I have met a few in bars, but it is really hard for me to get out on the weekends because I have the kiddo. I've never had a successful relationship with a woman I have met at a bar and believe me I've tried plenty of times. Recently I tried my luck at internet dating and put up a profile on a well known site.
I was like the man in the online dating world. I mean, I know I'm tall, dark, and handsome, but I was getting more replies than I could process. Three women stuck out at me and I set up three dates, the last three dates I will ever go one from any internet dating site.
Date one: I'm going to call her magic camera, because she looked absolutely nothing like her pictures. We met for drinks at a local bar and she brought her very attractive sister along. Long story short, I ended up kissing her sister at the end of the night and never heard from her or magic camera again.
Date two: We will call her JIB because she worked at Jack In the Box. We met for lunch(not at Jack in the Box). She brought her child along which was a surprise. I know it is hard for single parents to date, but I cannot imagine bringing my daughter on a first date. I told myself early on in this my daughter would not be meeting any women unless it was very serious. My daughter has only met one potential suitor and that was after several months of dating. JIB didn't seem to think it was a big deal. We didn't really have any chemistry and just didn't pursue it any farther.
Phone Date Three: LS had sent me an email, I checked out her profile and was impressed. Great job, really good looking, never married, etc. I sent her an email and added her as a friend on facebook. That way if she was faking it like magic camera I could end communication. Facebook looked normal and she seemed like the real deal. We talked on the phone that night and after about 15 minutes, she said, "I really like you and I think if we end up getting married my dad is really going to like you to." Whoa, back the train up, I haven't even met you yet. Then she proceeded to tell me about a few cosmetic surgeries to enhance her features and I found a reason to get off the phone. The next morning I get up and have a flood of emails from facebook, "LS made a comment about your photo." They are really cutesy things about my daughter and I. Giant strike two LS. We talk again that night and she brings up marriage, again! I get off the phone and sprint to my desk to get her off my facebook account and delete my profile from this dating site. One hour later I get a text, "Does this mean I should erase your number." Yes, please.
About two months later I get curious about LS so I do some facebook spying. She has her profile open to the public so I check it out. She. is. engaged. Picture of the ring front and center with lots of gushy wall posts. Good Luck to you guys!
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