I'm going to start a new feature on my blog called Before Kiddo. I'd just like a record somewhere of the dumb stuff I've done before I get too old to remember it all.
I've got several drinking wounds on my chin, this is one of those wounds stories.
I was thinking about my friend JG the other night and remember an experience with him that somehow stuck in mind. As a matter of fact I have a lot of memories of doing stupid stuff with this guy so he might be a regular in my "before kiddo" posts. This particular episode happened about 11 years ago around this time of the year. JG and I were pledge class brothers in our fraternity and this night our fraternity threw a rocking bash at the house. We were freshman in college and our lives revolved around doing just enough homework to get by, Keystone Light, and women. That particular night I had a lot of Keystone in me, but was no way ready to end the party. As security broke it up the apartment complex behind us became the obvious place for us to congregate. JG and I went to an apartment on the second floor where they had moved all the furniture and turned their living room into a makeshift dance floor. We started dancing with a few choice ladies, and after a few songs we realized we had no beer left. At this point I remember this very well, I had 17 beers in me. We thought it was cool to count how many we had back then and I remember yelling I'm going for beer 18!! JG decided to come with me and not wanting to lose our shot at our girls we bolted out of the door toward the fraternity house. JG went first down the staircase. It was one of those apartment complexes where the staircase was outside and the landing was a concrete pad. He did some fancy move where he jumped after the first few steps and caught himself with the rails at the bottom with a nice landing. I tried the same with less successful results. I face planted at the bottom. I'm laying flat on the ground, bleeding, and literally spit out part of my back tooth and say to JG, "These are new pants, did I get a hole in them!?!?!" JG is freaking out, my chin is bleeding, he gets me up and we inspect them, sweet no hole. These were a new pair of Lucky Brand Courdoroys. They were like $100. Then he takes me to the house and an older fraternity brothers girlfriend cleaned me up.(Thanks JWM) Of course, I am responsible for ruining what could have been a good ending to the night, but I'm pretty sure we were wearing some pretty thick goggles anyway.
Next day I see the girl in the commons I was dancing with and she asked what happened to me last night. All I have do is point at the butterfly bandage on my chin and say, "beer 18."
Ah, I miss Jefferson.