So I take my dog for a walk on this unbelievably beautiful day and she takes a dump and I forget a bag. Luckily some good samaritan has thrown a plastic McDonalds cup in the gutter so I pick it up as a makeshift. It has some iced tea in it so I toss it and scoop up the dog shit. My dog by the way is way over weight and takes human sized smashes.(slang term for craps) feel free to use at will. This does not go according to plan, the cup is a little wet from recent rain and iced tea and I don't make a clean pick up. Some dog shit is up towards the top and starts mixing with the liquid. Then it starts running down the side of the cup, soon my hand is covered in dog shit and it is grossing me out. What do I do? Move the cup to the other hand for some inexplicable reason leaving me with two hands covered in dog shit. I was a good 15 blocks from home, so it was a great walk back.
I went to Nebraska to visit my brother recently and then down to Springfield, MO to take care of some school issues. I am amazed at how nice people are in other areas of the country. I can't tell you how many times I have gone through a transaction at the grocery store, gas station, etc, without one single word being uttered in the STL. I had several conversations with clerks on my roadtrip. I was struck at how nice people can be and it reinforced my general disdain for the town I live in. 16 more years and out of the STL!
As nice as it is out, I should be in a better mood, but something is off today. Until next time!
It's off cause of the crap on your hands! Good lawrd that is gross!
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